A Baker’s Dozen of Tests
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Catalogers maximize profitability by adding merchandise until they
What can you do to profitably build retail in your market area? Here are eight tips for using print mailings to drive retail traffic.
Cooperative database models are becoming an ever-increasing share of catalogers
Small and new catalogers typically buy their paper from the printer; it makes sense if you
Top management always wants to grow sales without hurting profitability. The most reliable circulation tactic to grow sales and profitability at the same time is to increase the frequency of remailing the best segments of your buyer file. Here
Here are six database tactics to improve your circulation and results in the short term
You can profitably convert web requests for your catalog. But Web requesters have a much shorter attention span than traditional catalog requests, so you have to treat them a little differently.
Several of the cooperative databases collect product-level data. Marketers are finding product-level data very useful in data mining for customers who buy specific products through direct marketing. But using the co-ops