Jim Davidson


As an expert in retail and all things ecommerce, Jim brings over 15 years of experience in online marketing and cross-channel programs for top retail clients. From strategic vision to implementation, Jim has led clients to successfully meet aggressive revenue and performance goals. His articles can be found in publications such as DMNews, ClickZ, TotalRetail and Multichannel Merchant.

Why You Need to Plan Your Holiday Marketing in July

| Jim Davidson

Even though July is months before the full roar of the holiday season, this is the time to kick off your planning for some of the potentially most time consuming tasks. Understanding which tasks benefit most from early planning will help ensure you move into the holiday season with your plan ready and a fully checked off to-do list.

4 Ways to Screw Up Abandoned Cart Messages

| Jim Davidson

Shopping cart abandonment rates are high, but so are conversion rates from post-abandonment emails, so you are missing a sizable opportunity by not sending them. Here are four things you will want to avoid when launching your post-abandonment email program.

Continuing the Customer Conversation In-Store and Online

| Jim Davidson

With consumers practically attached to mobile devices and beginning to accept marketing messages on Facebook and Twitter, marketing efforts are less about driving to a specific channel and more about having a promotional presence in all of them and keeping the person engaged throughout the customer lifecycle. The reasons for disengaging from a purchase decision are nearly infinite, and the means to disengage are just a few taps away on a smartphone. Here’s how you can continue the customer experience between the store and the ecommerce site.

Online Marketing New Year’s Resolutions for 2012

| Jim Davidson

In 2011, merchants explored ways to establish a cross-channel brand presence and user experience and examined how best to best collect data, acquire customers and communicate effectively in this quickly changing landscape. With the peak holiday season wrapping up, let