Larry Becker

Optimize Your Landing Pages

| Larry Becker

An effective landing page can rank highly in organic search, and deliver a strong sales-per-click ratio in paid search, and convert shoppers who reach their destination through myriad acquisition sources. Still, visit more than a handful of sites and you

Nine New Year’s resolutions

| Larry Becker

TIPS TO HELP YOU IMPROVE YOUR SITE Happy New Year! Here are nine tips to help you get more value from your Website in 2009. Adopt them as your effective

Entry pages with SEO appeal

| Larry Becker

When a client asks me about how to optimize his or her site, I often reply that it’s a lot like eating an elephant: Tear off one bite a time. For most

Give site visitors a why-to-buy

| Larry Becker

Why should someone purchase from you and not one of your competitors? An effective Website provides more than a call to action; it offers visitors persuasive

Best bets for site tests

| Larry Becker

Nearly every Website team tracks site conversion. But few really do anything about it. That is, few use scientific testing to discover real improvements.

Secrets to social media success

| Larry Becker

If you’re the Web strategist in your organization, you’ve been hearing questions like these more often. The answers don’t necessarily involve cataloging

Keep an eye on the experience

| Larry Becker

Smart marketers understand that long-term success depends on treating customers to a great experience, one that’s seamless across channels. What’s the best way to do that? This month we’ll look at why you need to go beyond order conversion when you track success, and how aligning your Web and print channels can improve the experience you offer your own customers.

Prioritizing in the attention economy

| Larry Becker

Why are you reading this article? How did it win even a few seconds of your attention? Will it give you some useful ideas for improving your company’s Website? Could it help make your business more profitable? Perhaps even advance your career? Maybe it will entertain you