Liz Kislik

Help Yourself

| Liz Kislik

Has it struck you that personal service seems to be diminishing, if not outright disappearing? Companies rely more and more on tools like interactive

Write Away

| Liz Kislik

Electronic mail may seem quick and casual, but it’s far from easy to manage operationally. Considering how many people hate to write or find writing a

Letting Go

| Liz Kislik

The changes in economic and social conditions in the past year have been accompanied by significant contractions in staffing levels in organizations of

Any Questions?

| Liz Kislik

In a previous column, I made recommendations in response to frequently asked questions about procedures. This column covers three of the more common concerns

At Your Service

| Liz Kislik

Organize your menus and prompts to be mutually exclusive Recently, I’ve been asked a half dozen or so questions repeatedly in seminars, phone calls, and

Civil Discourse

| Liz Kislik

Periodic meetings are needed in units with four or more workers In the work that I do with client companies on targeted change and improvement programs,

Payoff from Payout

| Liz Kislik

Pay employees well and they’ll work hard and be happy – true or false? In the numerous published rankings of ten conditions that have the most impact

Whine On

| Liz Kislik

It’s good for the company when customers complain. All the customer service literature says so, and most managers say so too. When customers let you know


| Liz Kislik

Too Close for Comfort Depending on which surveys you read, online consumers now rank their concern for the security of their personal information above