Oren Raboy

[email protected]

Oren is the Co-Founder and CTO of Noogata, which uses machine learning and AI technologies to solve complex enterprise challenges. He is both a leading ML practitioner and subject matter expert on customer success, having co-founded and led Totango, one of the leading companies in that space. Prior to that, he held senior product roles at Cisco and P-Cube.

ecommerce dashboard feature

Ecommerce Dashboard Fatigue: Overcoming It with GenAI

| Oren Raboy

Ecommerce experts don’t need more data or better analytics; they need a way to rapidly translate data into actionable insights. They need to understand how their products perform relative to the market. This entails evaluating multiple competitors across various marketplaces and categories. They need to move beyond sales to achieve objective measures of success and overall company growth.