Ron Hounsell

What We Need Now

| Ron Hounsell

It’s time to develop requirements for a software acquisition project. Everyone knows what we need, right? If only that were true. The fallacy of this

Warehouse Workflow HANDBOOK

| Ron Hounsell

Variety may be the spice of life, but too much of either variety or spice leads to imbalance. The inherently variable nature of warehouse and distribution

Vanilla Days

| Ron Hounsell

Three components are crucial to defining requirements for a new software application: 1) documenting existing processes; 2) assessing the functionality

Islands in the Stream

| Ron Hounsell

When your hourly driver leaves the yard with a $100,000 piece of equipment, what happens between his departure and return? How do those events compare

One for the Money

| Ron Hounsell

The traditional software selection cycle has typically been a multi-step task. By definition, the more complex the function that the software is to support,


| Ron Hounsell

Did you ever notice that the declaration It’s not your father’s Oldsmobile any more turned out to be false? It was your father’s Oldsmobile. No one believed


| Ron Hounsell

measuring work doesn’t take split-second timing, but it does require valid standardsLOOKING OVER a warehouse worker’s shoulder and counting how many minutes

Obedience Training

| Ron Hounsell

When customer satisfaction is at stake, it doesn’t pay to stand out from the crowd. How to ensure that vendors comply with performance requirementsThe