Seeta Hariharan

Seeta Hariharan is the founding General Manager and Group Head of TCS Digital Software & Solutions Group. Winner of CRN magazine’s “Woman of the Year” and “Women of the Channel” awards and named “One of the 50 Women You Need to Know in Martech” by MarTechExec, Seeta drives strategy, sales, marketing and R&D. She holds 25 global patents and possesses a combination of entrepreneurial spirit, passion for IT and business, and deep belief in the power of technology to improve the human condition and transform industries. Before launching DS&S Group, she held leadership roles at IBM’s software, services, hardware and microelectronics divisions.

retail technology

Time to Deep-Six Omnichannel and Focus on Experience

| Seeta Hariharan

It’s about time retailers drop the term omnichannel from their vocabulary. Creating an omnichannel experience is not even that difficult. What is much harder is giving your customers a reason to shop, a belief that you are looking out for and providing them with unique experiences that they appreciate.