Sherry Chiger

Bits and Bytes from DMA World Seattle

| Sherry Chiger

The theme of this year’s DMA World Seattle, held April 6, was “Relevance and Results.” Not surprisingly, database marketing played a significant role in many of the sessions. Here’s a sampling of suggestions and comments from speakers regarding how to improve your database marketing efforts:

* Customers’ media preference and aversions should be a field in your database, alongside demographic data, buying history, and other fields, said Ernan Roman, president of Ernan Roman Direct Marketing.


| Sherry Chiger

Nowhere is the effect of the Internet on the industry clearer than when looking at how orders are received. The respondents to this year’s Catalog Age

When worlds collide

| Sherry Chiger

John Higgins is one of the top reporters covering the television industry. He’s also funny, smart, and a great schmoozer. What he’s not is a fashion plate.

Last-minute mailers

| Sherry Chiger

This past holiday season, consumers weren’t the only ones waiting for the last minute. Catalogers waited until the last minute as well, to send their