Sherry Chiger


| Sherry Chiger

Thomas Jefferson declared that information is the currency of democracy. More recently, U.S. general Gordon Sullivan said, Information is the currency

Delayed reactions

| Sherry Chiger

Last month Catalog Tracker noted a nearly 8% decline in year-over-year catalog volume for October. Were merchants pushing back their holiday mailings

Still waiting for mail

| Sherry Chiger

Remember how a few months ago the industry cheered a return to increased circulation? We might have celebrated a bit too soon. This past October, Catalog

Revving Up for the Holidays

| Sherry Chiger

The run-up to the holiday season began in earnest for mailers in September. Catalog Tracker, a service of Greenwich, CT-based list firm Direct Media,

I’m Late, I’m Late

| Sherry Chiger

Anecdotal evidence suggests that consumers are waiting later and later to complete their holiday shopping. That puts catalogers at a disadvantage to their

Circulation Rebound

| Sherry Chiger

For catalogers, back to school translated to back in mailboxes. This past August, Catalog Tracker, a service of Greenwich, CT-based list services firm

Better Sales by Segmentation

| Sherry Chiger

“How to Get the Most Profit from Your Housefile” is a surefire winner of a title for a conference session. During his session of the same name at the DMA 87th Annual Conference and Exhibition in New Orleans last week, John Lenser, president of San Francisco-based consultancy and list firm Lenser, offered plenty of suggestions

DMA Annual New Product Roundup

| Sherry Chiger

New Orleans–List and data services companies used the DMA 87th Annual Conference and Exhibition, held here last week, as an opportunity to unveil new products and services

Live from DMA Annual: Greco Speaks

| Sherry Chiger

New Orleans–At a press conference hours after making his inaugural DMA Annual keynote speech as president/CEO of the Direct Marketing Association, John Greco Jr. reiterated his primary points