Sherry Chiger

Bragging Rights

| Sherry Chiger

As I write this, I’m stealing time away from preparing for Catalog Age’s first Webinar, on matching back online sales to offline marketing efforts. (If

Ikea Agita

| Sherry Chiger

You know how excited most kids get when they race downstairs Christmas morning to see the heaps of garishly wrapped presents under the tree? That’s almost

Hot Fun in the Summertime

| Sherry Chiger

Here at Catalog Age headquarters, the past weeks have been less George Gershwin (Summertime, and the livin’ is easy) and more Eddie Cochran (Sometimes

Looking Up: The Catalog Age 100

| Sherry Chiger

If you believe that what’s good for big business is good for America, then this year’s Catalog Age 100 should give you reason to cheer. Seventy of the

BENCHMARK 2004 Lists

| Sherry Chiger

If circulation trends are an indicator of economic health, then the catalog industry may finally be on the road

More, More, More

| Sherry Chiger

Given that many catalogers moved up their spring mailings to coincide with this year’s early Easter (April 11 compared with April 20 in 2003), you might