Srii Srinivasan

Srii Srinivasan is the Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of Chargeback Gurus. She is an industry veteran at minimizing chargebacks and fraud for card-not-present transactions, and is an active member of Electronic Transaction Association (ETA).

Prior to co-founding Chargeback Gurus, Srii owned two ecommerce ventures, and has first hand experience in dealing with chargebacks. She holds a degree in Computer Science Engineering. She enjoys spending her free time with her loved ones, doing charity work, and assisting others to become a better version of themselves, as she continually strives for self-improvement.

ecommerce fraud

7 Tips for Ecommerce Merchants to Detect Online Fraud

| Srii Srinivasan

Being an ecommerce business comes with its own set of unique challenges. For one, it’s very difficult to validate a real customer, and you can also face a lot of issues that come with unauthorized transactions—such as resulting chargebacks, which can cause even more financial loss. Here are seven tips that can help you detect online fraud.