Steve Wellen

Why Geofencing Is a Bust, and How to Drive Real Value from it

| Steve Wellen

With a steady 10-year barrage of new social media platforms offering another, and another, and another way to engage with consumers, we’re shrugging our shoulders and throwing geofencing on top of an ever-growing pile of channels. How great brands are breaking the cycle.

Millennials’ Behavior Is Good, Bad and Ugly for Retail

| Steve Wellen

At the core of the retail evolution, we have millennials and their peculiar, online, mobile shopping habits. They are forcing retailers to pivot—but whether millennials are good, bad or ugly for your business just might come down to how you choose to respond.

Do You Have Real-Time Insight into These 3 Critical Areas?

| Steve Wellen

Trend reports can’t tell individual retailers how much seasonal staff to hire, how to schedule a promotional calendar, how much server capacity to have available, or if a brick-and-mortar location is overstaffed and underperforming. Retailers need real-time data to make the most of shoppers’ favorite time of year. Here are three areas on which to focus.

ecommerce fulfillment, shipping data, distribution data, Warehouse/Distribution Center, ecommerce shipping, direct-to-customer fulfillment

4 Ways a Retail Dashboard Makes Data More Valuable

| Steve Wellen

Most marketers rely on data to do their job well. However, most either don’t have access to the right data, or can’t make sense of it. Here are four ways a dashboard can bridge the chasm between the data you have and the insights you need.