FedEx to Raise Ground Rates 4.9%

| Tim Parry

FedEx announced late last week that it will increase the standard list rates for FedEx Ground and FedEx Home Delivery by an average of 4.9%, effective Jan. 4. The increase will match a previously announced rate increase by rival carrier UPS.


| Tim Parry

IN A MOVE TO INCREASE ITS PRESENCE on the Twitter and Facebook social media platforms, Sierra Trading Post is asking its customers to add the hashtag

Digital signage comes to life

| Tim Parry

If you visit a Justice store, you may notice large plasma screens showing the latest video from Jonas Brothers. When the song is over, an ad for an apparel

Elfing Himself: Q&A With Office Max’s Bob Thacker

| Tim Parry

Bob Thacker, the senior vice president-marketing and advertising at Office Max, has elfed himself again. The number of visitors to dropped last year, but Thacker says engagement by those visitors rose, which is part of the reason has returned for 2009.

Office Depot Launches Holiday Gift Microsite

| Tim Parry

The goal of the flash site is to help consumers shop for gifts based on a recipient’s personality type and to promote special deals for the week up until Christmas, says Monica Luechtefeld, Office Depot’s executive vice president-e-commerce and direct marketing.

Cause Marketing Creates a Buzz

| Tim Parry

Several merchants are opening their corporate purse strings and incorporating cause marketing as a part of their overall promotion mix. And the timing could be good for retailers hoping to boost revenue during the holiday season. That’s because 56% of …