Listing forward

| Tim Parry

Is the list business dead? Or, to put it more politely, is it still serving the needs of multichannel merchants? Some list firms have added modeling services.

Not a September to remember

| Tim Parry

Perhaps some catalogers extended their summer vacation. Catalog Tracker’s volume for September continued to fall, though not as much as in the previous two months.

Lazy PR People, or Improper E-mail Appends?

| Tim Parry

Sometimes I groan when a press release comes across my inbox. But I’m not about to go all Chris Anderson on the public relations people who send me things of no relevance to Multichannel Merchant or Chief Marketer.

‘Tis the Season to Keep Remailing

| Tim Parry

Does the increase in postal rates mean you should cut back on your holiday remails? Nonsense, says Geoff Batrouney executive vice president of New Rochelle, NY-based list firm Estee Marketing Group.

FedEx Express Rates to Rise 4.9%

| Tim Parry

FedEx Express announced at the end of October it would raise its net average shipping rate by 4.9%– the carrier’s largest increase in seven years. The rate hike is composed of a 6.9% increase in standard list rates offset by a 2% reduction in the fuel surcharge.

August mailings take a tumble

| Tim Parry

Perhaps a sign that mailers were less than optimistic about fall, catalog mailings dropped 33%. Just 236 catalogs were received by Catalog Tracker in August. While that is 30 more books than July, it’s down considerably from the 349 catalogs the Greenwich, CT-based list firm received in August 2006.