William Salter


William is in charge of ensuring that Paragon Software Systems remains committed to developing, implementing and supporting software solutions that meet real business needs.  With over 3,400 systems at over 1,100 client sites in 60 countries William is responsible for directing company strategy, exploring new business opportunities and new markets and is leading the company’s successful expansion into North America. In addition, he is responsible for overseeing and developing Paragon’s successful UK business.

speed to customer delivery guy feature

8 Ways to Improve First-Time Success in Last-Mile Delivery

| William Salter

According to online retail association IMRG the cost of goods from failed ecommerce deliveries is over $1 billion annually in the U.S. alone. So how can you improve first-time delivery success? Here are 8 ways you can help ensure that customers get their order on time the first time and consistently thereafter.