Boycotting Retailers on Thanksgiving Day? Boycott These Professions, Too

One look at your own Facebook news feed, Twitter feed, etc. will confirm what the polls are saying. Consumers don’t want stores open on Thanksgiving Day. Consumers believe retail store employees deserve Thanksgiving Day off to spend with their families.

[CLICK HERE for Multichannel Merchant’s Cyber Weekend 2013 coverage]

But if you’re dead-set against shopping in retail stores on Thanksgiving Day and boycotting for the sole purpose of retail employees deserving a day off to be with their families, then you should boycott shopping online as well. Just because ecommerce does not have a human face doesn’t mean a human isn’t missing Thanksgiving Day with his or her family to fulfill that order for a AutoExec 13000 Automobile Steering Wheel Attachable Work Surface you may or may not need.

Don’t forget the customer service teams, and the IT folk keeping sites up to speed, who are missing out on mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie.

Direct to customer merchants are not the only people working this Thanksgiving Day. Check out the following pages and see which other professions you should boycott on Thanksgiving Day, so those employees can enjoy a day off to be with their families…

Fast Food Workers


You know it’s going to be a long Thanksgiving Day at Mom’s house, so you’re going to have to grab an Egg McMuffin at McDonald’s. Fast food workers probably want to spend Thanksgiving Day at home with their families. Their Thanksgiving Day feast should not have to come off the Dollar Menu…


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