Feuer New CEO at Specialty Catalog Corp.

Christian Feuer’s list of stops along the multichannel merchant trail is long and extensive. Now he can add Specialty Catalog Corp. to that impressive list.

Feuer took over as president and CEO of Specialty Catalog Corp. on April 9. Former president and CEO Jon Bernstein’s last day was April 11.

Specialty Catalog Corp. sells women’s wigs, hair pieces and related accessories and other specialty niche products in North America and the U.K.

The company operates three divisions: Specialty Catalog Direct is primarily comprised of Paula Young and Especially Yours, which target the U.S. Caucasian and African-American markets, respectively, predominantly via catalog and Internet marketing; Daxbourne International operates a direct marketing, wholesale and retail business in the U.K.; and Specialty Catalog Publishing is a direct marketer of continuing education courses to targeted health-care industry verticals, including nursing, dentistry, behavioral health and respiratory care.

Since Specialty catalog Corp. is privately owned, Feuer could not reveal much strategic planning, but adds: “We are focused on growth and on increasing our web presence through ecommerce and social media. This will apply to all of our business lines.”

Feuer is highly respected and known as a restructuring specialist, however, industry sources say Specialty Catalog Corp. is doing well financially.

Prior to taking his new CEO post at Specialty Catalog Corp., some of Feuer’s stops along the way included president and CEO of Haband; president and CEO of multititle mailer Orchard Brands; president and CEO of Draper’s & Damon’s; president of Norm Thompson Outfitters; chief operating officer of Spiegel Brands; and president and CEO of uBid.com.

Jim Tierney (jim.tierney@penton.com) is a senior writer for Multichannel Merchant. You can connect with him on Twitter (TierneyMCM) and LinkedIn, or call him at 203-358-4265.