By: Verifi Length: 17 pages Type: White Paper Be prepared without sacrificing consumer convenience. Get our white paper: “Countdown to EMV: Are You Compliant and Ready?”
The bottom line is that transactions that are not EMV-compliant will cost merchants dearly since chargebacks resulting from these unprotected transactions can no longer be disputed. Keeping transactions secure from end to end is a critical, comprehensive – and often expensive – component to running a successful business. Just look at what the mega retail breaches of 2013 and 2014 taught merchants: that security and big data are a big deal. Learn why EMV compliance has significant implications to merchants and what new capabilities to consider to streamline your payments protection and lowering your risks. Download Verifi’s latest white paper: “Countdown to EMV: Are You Compliant and Ready?” to see how an end-to-end payment processing solution can help you boost sales and adapt a secure operation for the future. Brought To You By: |
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