Shoppers Splurge More on Mom than Dad

When it comes to making purchases for their parents, consumers worldwide spend up to three times more on Mother’s Day than on Father’s Day, according to an infographic from Rakuten.  In fact, the infographic states:

  • Brazilians spend the most on Mother’s Day – parting with an average of $171 compared to $144 in the U.S.
  • 46% of Brits send a Facebook or text message instead of a card on Mother’s Day
  • Three quarters of Austrian sons will put their craft skills to the test on Mother’s Day by making their gifts, compared to just half of Austrian daughters
  • In the UK, 30 million cards are sent on Mother’s Day compared to just 7 million on Father’s Day
  • France is one of the few countries where spend on Father’s Day is the same as Mother’s Day
  • In Japan it is traditional to give your mother a Red carnation on Mother’s Day
