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Get very familiar with Google Merchant Center
There have been a lot of changes to it recently and it’s easy to miss new features or reports that have been added. Follow ecommerce strategy publications and spend time in the Google support forums.
Ben Skigen Ecommerce director Tool King
Get third-party help
Managing PLAs without a tool like Channel Advisor’s is a situation I don’t even want to imagine. Let experts handle the technical implementation so you can focus on selling.
Get it right
Google data feed optimization is becoming as important as SEO. Make sure your data feed is optimized and that errors are minimal.
Get personal
One advantage small- and medium-size merchants have that a giant like Amazon doesn’t is more time to craft better campaigns and experiment with ads and copy. Amazon has to do this for too many products. “The SMBs generally know their products better, so they need to leverage that strength to produce more personalized marketing messages. Their biggest challenge is going to be adapting fast to the new technological requirements.”
Stephan Spencer SEO expert and author of Google Power Search
Get analytical
Take a look at what percentage of your Google traffic comes from Google PLAs. When you determine which SKUs are performing well on the Google PLAs platform, you’ll know which ones should, in theory, work well in Google Shopping—and which SKUs need refreshed data.
Gary Lombardo Multichannel and mobile product marketing lead Demandware
Get segmented
Once you’ve set up your first PLA, it’s important to begin segmenting your products. Based on supply and demand, certain product types and categories are going demand different bid prices, and that’s going to be similar to other pay-per-click ads.
Andy Dunn Vice president, marketing CommerceV3 and Timberline Interactive
Get started now
If you wait until September to get started with Google Shopping, scheduled to be fully up and running on Oct. 1, it will be too late to reap the fourth-quarter benefits—and that could make your holiday sales suffer.
Will Devlin Ecommerce manager ShopVisible
Get refreshed
Get into the habit of refreshing your data feed at least once a day. Google will constantly crawl your storefront to make sure your data feed matches what’s on your site. If your data feed does not match what is on your site, you’re not going to have success with Google Shopping.
Jon Venverloh Senior manager of product partnerships Google