Do You Plan to Increase Catalog Circulation in 2016?

Do you plan to increase or decrease your catalog circulation in 2016? Multichannel Merchant associate editor Daniela Forte asked this question to attendees of NEMOA directXchane in Boston March 9-11, and here is what she found out:

Leslie Franklin, marketer for Indigo Wild said that the brand is still trying to figure out whether or not they will increase or decrease circulation in 2016. They are currently in the midst of a deep dive of research, but last year Indigo Wild mailed out 2.2 million catalogs to customers, heavily in the fall and spread out in the spring and summer.

April Hill, catalog design analyst for Agri Supply, said that while there are absolutely no plans to remove the catalog as a channel, the brand has been steadily decreasing circulation and using it as a driver to stores and the website. Hill said Agri Supply is starting to concentrate on the web site, and that they made a 12% cut in the page count.

Marie Marjama, senior producer – direct marketing at Nautilus, said the company increased circulation 25% for holiday 2015, and is currently testing to increase 10-15% circulation for summer 2016. Marjama said Nautilus wants to see how many catalogs they need to mail, and that they are trying to see what that sweet spot is.