Insert media are now mainstream media. As many marketers have learned, insert media should be an essential component of many marketing campaigns. While response rates are not as high as those of solo direct mail campaigns, package insert programs in particular offer a cost-effective way to reach true, hotline buyers, virtually at the point of purchase, when interest level and visibility are high. Plus, an offer that rides inside a company’s outbound package, catalog, ride-along, or statement has the benefit of an implied endorsement.
At the same time, by allowing image-compatible, noncompetitive inserts to ride inside their outbound package orders, catalog mailings, product offerings, and statements, list owners have come to realize the revenue-generating potential that insert media programs provide.
Program owners have complete control over each and every advertiser that would be allowed into their packages, catalogs, and statements. For package insert programs, inserts may be hand-inserted or collated into a specially designed envelope. Outside inserts can serve to enhance the value of their packages, increase exchange opportunities, and offset postage and printing costs. One of the newest forms of insert media is the WebInsert, the package insert program of the Web, whereby ads may be sold on clients’ thank-you or confirmation page providing incremental revenue and creating a value-added relationship with their customers.
With postal and paper costs on the rise, more mailers are entering the insert media marketplace. Mailers are constantly looking for additional, more cost-effective means of reaching their target audience. Today the opportunities to reach targeted prospects using insert media are becoming more and more refined – which will only have a positive effect on response rates. Insert media is a logical addition to any well-rounded marketing campaign.
Jody Smith is senior sales executive, insert media management at Hackensack, NJ-based marketing services provider Mokrynskidirect.