Amazon has opened the door to cross-border selling. ChannelAdvisor Team Lead for Marketplace Services Josh Jamieson says Amazon offers some big cross-border opportunities that ecommerce sellers can take advantage of.
“Once you get comfortable selling on Amazon domestically, it’s a fairly simple process to broaden your scope and use Amazon Global Selling to connect with international buyers through marketplaces such as Amazon UK, Amazon Canada, Amazon France, and Amazon China,” Jamieson says.
Sellers can complement their cross-border trade business with Fulfillment by Amazon. Jamieson says FBA’s Global Export Program allows eligible products to be ordered from international locations if the buyer is in an FBA-supported country.
And for no extra FBA charge, sellers can use this program to gauge demand for product lines in various countries and determine international expansion plans.
Jamieson will share guidance on important strategies that retailers should employ to keep their products and brands front and center with Amazon shoppers this year. For more information and to register for Multichannel Merchant’s Feb. 11 webinar, 15 Tactics Great Amazon Sellers Live By, click here.