NAME: Michael Moseman
COMPANY: Brooks Brothers
JOB TITLE: Director, Customer Contact Center
Here’s how social media helps me in my everyday life: I really enjoy learning what my family, friends and colleagues are up to in their lives and it really helps me remember birthdays.
Here’s how social media helps my business stay in touch with consumers: The immediate feedback from our customers allows us to make adjustments in a much timelier manner.
The best lesson I learned about social media is: If you think you are doing things fast enough, you probably need to go even faster to keep up.
Which merchant is mastering customer service right now: When I think of who is really doing customer service well, I think of American Express, Zappos and Warby Parker.
When I’m not shopping on my own site, my favorite place to shop is: Amazon, they just make it so seamless.
The biggest contact center/customer service tool I need for my business would be: A simple to use application that would aggregate all customer touch points (transactions, phone calls, emails, Tweets, posts, etc) in a single repository.
In my downtime, my favorite place to travel would be: Our annual summer trip to the Outer Banks to “recharge the batteries” for the upcoming Holiday season.
The best advice I received from a boss, friend, mentor or family member is: The Golden Rule truly will carry you a long way both professionally and personally.
If I could have one superhero power, it would be: It has to be the ability to fly. Just think of what life would be like if one could avoid airports altogether.
When I was growing up, I wanted to be a: A teacher and a coach, which seems fairly prophetic now.
Michael will also be speaking at the 2014 Operations Summit. To find out more about Michael and the conference please click here.
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