Cui Bono?

A new study from the Warehousing Education and Research Council titled “2003 Warehousing Benefits Programs” offers a detailed look at the benefits that employees receive in 259 warehouses across the United States. Almost 100% of these warehouses offer medical insurance. Rates of coverage vary according to the type of plan, but employees generally pay between 22% and 33% of the premiums out of their wages. In contrast, assistance programs to help employees stay healthy — short-term counseling, blood pressure and cholesterol checks, or classes to stop smoking, lose weight, or reduce stress — are offered by only 57% of warehouses.

The facilities participating in the WERC study have an average of 110.8 full-time and 11.3 part-time employees per location. Part-time employees receive exactly the same benefits as full-time employees at 15% of warehouses, while another 22% receive the same benefits prorated. Only 20% of warehouses allow flex-time work schedules. The warehouses surveyed are located preponderantly in the Midwest (39.9%) and the South (29.8%), while warehouses in the West represent 15.5% of the total and the Northeast, 14.7%.

For more information, contact WERC at (630) 990-0001 or visit the organization’s Web site at