Your June issue, “101 best ideas of all time,” shows a great deal of thought, and I am sure it was a monumental decision to evaluate the really best ideas.
However, I would be remiss if I did not say how disappointed I am not to see package inserts represented. There are more than 50 major list broker/insert broker/management companies supplying the industry. There has been more than 30 years of growth in activity. There are substantial advertisers in your publication and others promoting and expanding on this activity. In addition, there are catalogers whose entire growth and development are based on their use of inserts.
I am further amazed that you would entrust the definition of what is best to any one person, no matter how qualified he or she is.
Your publication serves a major category in the direct marketing industry in a superior way and, as such, should be more careful and more responsible before making such pronouncements.