Gall’s, Fall 99D

The cover for Gall’s Fall 99D catalog is packed with product arranged in what one judge described as an “unusual pyramid spatial element.” A judge said, “It makes my eyes dizzy – but I want to look at it,” while another remarked, “The pyramid design builds up to the name Gall’s, and I want to see what’s inside.”

The book has a broad selection of product to meet the specialized needs of the public safety professionals who make up its target market. From uniforms and boots to nightsticks and heart defibrillators, Gall’s has just about everything – the cataloger will even customize the name of a town on its police cruisers! In the words of one judge, “Gall’s high response rate indicates good merchandising,” while another commented, “I have no trouble believing these response results.”

The copy works hard to sell the merchandise. “It’s like the Energizer Bunny in that it keeps on selling – from the headlines to the subheads to the product details!” a panelist remarked.

But product isn’t the only thing Gall’s sells. The catalog also creates a sense of community with “In the Line of Duty,” a bound-in newsletter that includes often-humorous, often-emotional testimonials from customers. As one judge said, “This is a really nice human-interest touch,” one that’s bound to create good will toward Gall’s on the part of its readers

Judges thought that the highly functional design and production of the book helped simplify the shopping process for Gall’s busy audience. The catalog’s table of contents directs buyers to the products they’re looking for, and judges liked that the book is organized by profession.

But the panel was even more impressed with the lifestyle shots of products in use. “This catalog’s audience likes to see one of their own in action,” said a judge. And Gall’s leaves out no profession – police officers, firefighters and EMS professionals alike are depicted in action, fully prepared with their Gall’s gear.

Overall, Gall’s customer service has “all the bells and whistles” – including lease-to-own programs, same-day shipping, guaranteed pricing, special orders, and a very prominent guarantee – needed to make the catalog stand out. Without question, Gall’s “provides the buyer with all the information necessary to make a well-informed purchasing decision,” according to one panelist. It’s no surprise, then, that this Gold Award winner offers public safety professionals a one-stop source for value, service, and selection.