Customer referrals for Avenue, a fashion leader for plus size clothing, are converting its ecommerce site into a word-of-mouth powerhouse. Referral traffic originating from these referrals is of high quality and converting at a rate as high as 28.48%.
Avenue has embedded ShopSocially’s Social Connect app on its website to encourage its website users to connect deeper with their brand on Facebook. Using this app, users share their rich social profile data with Avenue with information like age, gender, location, likes and friend information.
As users connect with Avenue brand, they create a social post endorsing Avenue outfits and brand on Facebook. This acts as customer referral being shared on social media and brings in quality referral traffic to the ecommerce store. User comments or share blurbs in these social referrals added to the impact of these social referrals.
Avenue is using ShopSocially’s Share-a-Purchase app on the order completion page to encourage customers for purchase sharing. In the online purchase cycle, customer delight is at its highest when customers complete the order. By incentivizing them to share their purchase with friends on social media, this delight can be converted into valuable social referrals.
Each social post created acts as word-of-mouth promotion and generates quality friend traffic to the Avenue site which is converting at a rate of 14.88%.
Socially shared customer referrals are of tremendous value for marketers as they combine the trustworthiness of customer referrals with reach of social media. Referrals from real users are intuitively perceived as genuine. When they are shared via social media channel, they carry the good word for brand far and wide and result in high yield word-of-mouth promotions for brand.
“Getting passionate customers to recommend you to their friends is the biggest win marketers can score today. Such customer referrals convert your customers into brand ambassadors.” commented Jai Rawat, CEO of ShopSocially. “Avenue is getting great results from this referral strategy. We are happy to be part of their success story.”