eBay Enterprise Names IBM’s Hayman its New President

eBay Inc. has named Craig Hayman as president of its eBay Enterprise business. Hayman will report to eBay Inc. President and CEO John Donahoe.

“We are fortunate to have Craig join our leadership team and lead our Enterprise business unit,” Donahoe said. “Technology continues to have a significant impact on the overall commerce landscape. Craig’s experience will enhance our ability to serve retailers and brands in this online to offline world.”

Hayman brings more than 30 years of enterprise technology leadership to eBay Enterprise, including executive positions at IBM’s Industry Cloud Solutions and WebSphere businesses.

He replaces Chris Saridakis, who stepped down for “personal reasons” in January, according to a press release. Saridakis had served as president of eBay Enterprise since June 2011, following the company’s acquisition of GSI Commerce.

Tobias Hartmann, eBay Enterprise’s vice president of operations and international, served as interim president after Saridakis’s departure.