Following Dismal Holiday Sales and the worsening economy, news of companies laying off workers just keeps coming. Here are just a few of the multichannel retailers that have announced job cuts.
Multititle mailer said on Jan. 29 it has cut 10% of its 4,000 full-time employees and that it will reduce its part-time workers.
According to published reports, religious products cataloger Christian Book Distributors in early February laid off 37 employees at its headquarters, or 7% of its workforce.
Unable to come out of Chapter 11, electronics retailer Circuit City in January said it is shutting down, which will put 30,000 people out of work.
Maintenance, repair and operations products marketer W.W. Grainger said on Feb. 11 that it will be cutting 300 to 400 jobs.
Home improvement products retailer Home Depot said Jan. 26 it will reduce 7,000 jobs by pulling the plug on its high-end EXPO business and cutting its support staff.
Department store chain Macy’s said Feb. 3 it is cutting 7,000 jobs in its stores, distribution centers and offices, or about 4% of its total workforce.
Luxury department store retailer Neiman Marcus Group announced Jan. 13 that it is cutting nearly 3% of its workforce, or about 375 jobs.
Smithsonian Catalogue eliminated six of its 10 positions in February and folded its catalog operations into the retail division.
Outdoor gear and apparel merchant Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI) said on Feb. 11 that it will cut 300 to 400 jobs.
Women’s apparel merchant The Talbots said Feb. 5 it will lay off about 370 workers and close 20 stores.