Viva Terra Goes for the Green

With American culture embracing organic food and hybrid cars, Bob Perkowitz, a board member of the Sierra Foundation and the Environmental Defense of North Carolina, thought that the time had come for a catalog selling high-quality environmentally friendly home products. With three partners he cofounded San Rafael, CA-based Viva Terra. The company, which sells “environmentally sustainable and socially responsible” home, organic gourmet, personal care, and gift items, launched a print catalog and a Website in October.

Viva Terra’s 60-page debut catalog mailed to more than 250,000 prospects from 70 lists managed by Hackensack, NJ-based MokrynskiDirect. Products range from a $12 container of Ecova lip balm to a $695.00 king-size Merino lambswool comforter.

Response from the first mailing has exceeded projections, says Perkowitz, although “I wouldn’t say we’re dancing in the streets.” Average order sizes are “well over” $100.

Viva Terra will mail four seasonal catalogs with multiple drops and some variations in covers. Perkowitz says they plan on ratcheting up the number of prospects the catalog mails to once they better understand their target audience. The company also plans on refining its product offerings this year as well as expanding its personal care line to include makeup.