5 Easy Tips to Integrate New Acquisition Inventory

Gordon King, director of fulfillment at automobile restoration supplies and parts merchant Eckler’s, offers five easy tips to integrate inventory following a new acquisition.

King has worked through the process of integrating new inventory into his company’s facilities and he says Eckler’s has been able to streamline the process, which leads to seamless service to new customers and minimizes potential pitfalls for fulfillment staff.

Here are King’s easy tips for integrating new inventory:

Determine the “A” movers from the new company.

Purchase a reasonable inventory amount of “A” movers to stock in preparation for the transition of shipping.

Map warehouse locations between the two facilities and locate the incoming items.

Label these items at the existing facility.

For accuracy purposes and inventory control, receive the new items through the normal receiving process. Items then go directly to the shelves.

If you want to know more, Gordon will be speaking on this topic at the Operations Summit in Memphis May 2-3. For more information, go to www.operationssummit.com.

Jim Tierney (jim.tierney@penton.com) is a senior writer for Multichannel Merchant. You can connect with him on Twitter (TierneyMCM) and LinkedIn, or call him at 203-358-4265.