Making Screen Pops Pop

Screen pops are basically any technology, including interactive voice response (IVR), automatic number identification (ANI), or computer telephony integration (CTI), that presents corresponding data on the computer screen simultaneously with the incoming call.

“Screen pop success” generally refers to the success rate of the screen pop actually popping on the PC (vs. not popping on the screen when it should). There is no industry standard of screen-pop success, as many items can factor into the equation and the conditions vary from enterprise to enterprise.

If you believe your screen pops aren’t popping as often or as accurately as they should, here are a few factors to consider:

* Did the caller enter/speak the required information?

* Was the information that the customer gave correct?

*Did the speech recognition software interpret the numbers correctly? The quality of the speech recognition software is a critical factor in delivering the correct caller entered data to the screen pop facility. Usually, when only numeric digits are involved, it is wise to add a combination “speak or type” option so callers can resort to traditional keypad entry if needed.

* Was the agent running the required desktop software at the time of call arrival?

* Is your company’s CRM database online and accurate? Is the database current with the right account information, and can it access the right account?

* Where is the customer calling from: home, work, cell, pay phone? Customers have so many options from which to call; do you have all available numbers in your database?

* Do you use peripheral gateways or the equivalent at all destination sites to ensure that screens pop as calls transfer from one facility to the next?

* Is the customer calling from a private branch exchange (PBX)? If that’s the case, your company will be able to read only the main PBX number and not the customer’s extension.

* Is this a new customer with no available data in the database?

Kathryn Jackson is founder and president of Ocean City, NJ-based Response Design Corp., a call center services consultancy.