Things Look Brighter for Carolina Rustica

| Jim Tierney

After being acquired by Mattress USA last month, Richard Sexton, president and CEO of furniture and home decor merchant Carolina Rustica,said his business can now focus on what it does best.

Carlyle Group Acquires Diversey Japan From Sealed Air

| Jim Tierney

Sealed Air Corp. announced that it has entered into an agreement with private equity firm The Carlyle Group to acquire Diversey G.K. (Diversey Japan) for about $377 million, according to an Oct. 30 press release.

Backup Plans: How to set up a disaster-recovery plan

| Curt Barry

We know the Northeast is in the path of Sandy, and it may be the Storm of the Century. But do we think enough about the storm’s implications when it comes to our businesses and how prepared we are? Here’s what should be in a business continuity/disaster recovery plan, how to know if the plan will work, and what you need to do to keep it current.