Is An At-Home-Agent Workforce Right For You?

| Darcy Tudor

For the home agent model to be successful, policies must be written and agents must buy in to the concept that working from home is a privilege and that there can be no deviation from expectations as outlined

5 2011 Holiday Tips to Spark 2012 Sales

| Debra Ellis

The holiday sales season is the make or break period for many merchants. When so much is riding on a short period of time, focusing on the immediate instead of the future is understandable. But if processes are put in place prior to the rush, short and long term benefits can be gained. Here are five tips for keeping the 2011 holiday sales spirit going in the 2012.

Balancing pay-per-click and SEO efforts

| Stephan Spencer

One aspect of search marketing that doesn’t get enough attention and indeed is misunderstood by the search engine optimization practitioner is the interaction

Galls Bought by CI Capital Partners

| Jim Tierney

Private equity firm CI Capital Partners has acquired Galls, a cataloger of public safety equipment, from Aramark Corp. Terms of the deal were not disclosed

How to Create a Blended Acquisition Strategy

| MCM staff

Fact: Customers who engage with a marketer through multiple channels have higher response rates, increased average order values (AOVs) and better lifetime values

Sur La Table Sold

| Melissa Dowling

Gourmet kitchenware merchant Sur La Table has been acquired by investment bank Investcorp.

Supercharge your URLs for SEO

| Stephan Spencer

When optimizing URLs for high rankings, many websites pay little attention to optimizing the URL for maximum clickthrough. Yet the URL undeniably affects searcher clickthrough rates in the search engine results pages. MarketingSherpa demonstrates this in its eyetracking study published in its Search Marketing Benchmark Guide in recent years.

2011 MCM 100 Top 10: Apparel

| MCM staff

The recession has not been kind to the women’s apparel market. Some of the largest multichannel retailers that sell women’s clothing have been seriously struggling in recent years