Google’s Paid Clicks Rise, Average CPC Drops

| Tim Parry

The number of paid clicks is way up, but the cost-per-click is down, according to the third-quarter financial report released last week by Google. Why has the cost-per-click dropped, and what does this mean for merchants as the fourth-quarter kicks into high gear? Here’s what three industry experts told Multichannel Merchant.

Video Tips: Preparing for the Holiday Shopping Season

| Kelly Ford

While marketers have been preparing for the holidays since July, consumers generally begin shopping in November, so there is still a small window to enhance holiday marketing initiatives. The most engaging and effective media for doing so is video. Here are five tips for smarter use of video to make the most of this holiday season.

3 Key Crosschannel Email Strategies for the Holidays

| Brittany Landenberger

As we are approach the holiday season, there are some key things to consider in designing your holiday email marketing campaigns, and creating a successful cross-channel holiday experience for your customers this season should be one of them. Consider these key strategies as you prepare for this holiday season.

Urban Outfitters Fully Loaded for Mobile POS

| Jim Tierney

Fully loaded in-store mobile POS technology might be the wave of the future, but for Urban Outfitters, the future is now. The traditional cash register is a thing of the past.

Brands Need to Reduce Operations Friction

| Jim Tierney

Reducing friction, which can lead to customer risk, cost time, aggravation, complaints, and negative word of mouth, is imperative for brands today. Find out how to reduce any potential operations friction.