Silver: EA SPORTS, Madden NFL 13

| Tim Parry

The video game industry is seeing a shift from in-store sales to digital downloads. EA Sports looked to increase online sales with messaging via company-owned website, social media and certain retail store locations.

Crosschannel Case Study: EASPORTS Madden13

| MCM staff

The video game industry is seeing a shift from in-store sales to digital downloads. EA Sports looked to increase online sales with messaging via company-owned website, social media and certain retail store locations.

Prepare For Crosschannel Consumers Before Black Friday

| Dan Dufault

Before Black Friday, merchants must employ mobile strategies and technology to adapt to their customer base and learn what will help their business grow as well as giving them a leg up on the competition.

Retailers’ Mobile Financial Investments Remain Conservative

| MCM staff

According to the 2012 Research Inc. (Nasdaq: FORR) State Of Retailing Online survey, 50% of retailers surveyed say they spent less than $100,000 on smartphone investments in 2011, and 74% spent the same on tablet initiatives.

Mobile Retail Insights

| MCM staff

Greystripe has found significant differences in the purchasing behavior of mobile shoppers and traditional in-store shoppers. This infographic gives you alook at the highly-desirable traits possessed by mobile shoppers.

Merchants Get Their Contact Centers Ready for the Holidays

| MCM staff

Multichannel Merchant and The Call Center School have teamed up to provide digital, catalog and other merchants with convenient and affordable internet-based training for new and existing call center staff to maximize the revenue potential of the holiday season.

How to Optimize for Big Data

| Arthur Sweetser

Marketers need to step up to the challenges of Big Data to claim its rewards. Here

4 Ways to Leverage the Smartphone This Holiday Season

| Larry Kavanagh

While mobile-friendly design has improved the shopping experience, conversion rates still hover at about 20-25% of what shoppers using bigger monitors produce. As a result, sales on smart phones make up only 1-2% of online revenue for many etailers.

Tough Second Quarter for Struggling Sears

| Jim Tierney

Second-quarter sales for struggling Sears Holdings Corp. dropped 6.6%, to $9.46 billion, down from $10.13 for the same period last year.