6 Ways to Maximize Your Mobile Promotions

| Jim Tierney

When brands launch a new SMS (Short Message Service) program, they typically implement an extensive 90-day promotional period to maximize exposure. After that period, promotions rely on a regular schedule that produces occasional spikes in awareness.

Here are six ways to maximize your new SMS program.

5 Tips to Elevate Your Mobile Commerce Strategy

| Erin Lynch

Even though a new research report has found that 41% of retailers possess a mobile initiative, many are still hesitant about rolling out a mobile commerce program. Here are 5 tips that can help retailers develop enterprise-wide mobile commerce plans and enhance existing strategies.

Can J.C. Penney Recover From First-Quarter Loss?

| Erin Lynch

One takeaway from the J.C. Penney profit loss is that when your customers bank on weekly coupons and designated sales days, you don’t change a thing. Just check out #JCPenney on Twitter and you will hear from thousands of customers who are not happy with the company’s 2012 facelift.

Survey Says Consumers Want a Crosschannel Shopping Experience

| Erin Lynch

According to Hybris, the survey indicates that consumers want the convenience and simplicity of online shopping and a hassle free and effortless returns process. But when it comes to customer expectations vs. retailer capabilities, surveyors found that retailers fell flat.

Why Merchants Need to Embrace Mobile POS

| Jerry Rightmer

Not only can in-store mobile serve as a bridge to bring ecommerce into the store, it can also provide unprecedented visibility to enterprise data such as inventory, turning the store into a hub of cross-channel convergence that unites the mobile, ecommerce and brick-and-mortar worlds.

Quad/Graphics Renews OfficeMax Contract

| MCM staff

Quad/Graphics, Inc. has renewed its exclusive retail insert and catalog printing business with OfficeMax, and added significant direct mail volume for the office supply retailer in a new multiyear agreement.

Continuing the Customer Conversation In-Store and Online

| Jim Davidson

With consumers practically attached to mobile devices and beginning to accept marketing messages on Facebook and Twitter, marketing efforts are less about driving to a specific channel and more about having a promotional presence in all of them and keeping the person engaged throughout the customer lifecycle. The reasons for disengaging from a purchase decision are nearly infinite, and the means to disengage are just a few taps away on a smartphone. Here’s how you can continue the customer experience between the store and the ecommerce site.