Q&A with E-Tailing Group’s Lauren Freedman

| Tim Parry

E-commerce consultancy E-Tailing Group last week released its Eighth Annual Merchant Survey. What does the survey of some 190 senior e-commerce executives reveal? MULTICHANNEL MERCHANT senior writer Tim Parry caught up with E-Tailing Group president Lauren Freedman to discuss the findings

Retail marketing strategies

| Francey Smith

It’s been more than 20 years since the customer information revolution began, most visibly in retail loyalty programs Neiman Marcus InCircle and American

Getting Experiential Online

| Melissa Dowling

Store shopping is all about the experience. So how do you create that retail experience online, starting right from your landing page?

Live From Internet Retailer: Lessons Learned From Holiday 2008

| Melissa Dowling

What did online industry watchers learn from this past holiday season, aside from the fact that sales for many were lagging? Plenty. In her session at Internet Retailer’s Web Design conference on Jan. 21, Lauren Freedman detailed several e-commerce customer service initiatives her consulting firm, The E-tailing Group, is seeing more of.

Holiday 2008: The Winners

| MCM staff

Yes, there were actually a few multichannel merchants that did well this holiday season, despite the dismal economy. We caught up with a few of them to see how they did it.

Nine New Year’s resolutions

| Larry Becker

TIPS TO HELP YOU IMPROVE YOUR SITE Happy New Year! Here are nine tips to help you get more value from your Website in 2009. Adopt them as your effective

Inside the merchant’s toolbox

| Andrea Syverson

Every company seems to be cutting back on budgets, staffing, travel. While we’re all trying to do more with less, the workload remains the same for merchants:

Top 5 Mistakes Retailers Make On Their Websites

| Eric Tobias

Competition today among retailers has never been more heated. Catalogs, superstores, home-shopping television channels and online stores are all vying for…

The Mandate of Multichannel Customer Experiences

| Gavin Finn

Customers today look to multiple channels for product research, decision-making, and ultimately to purchase. While one customer may conduct research online prior to making a purchase in the store, another will head to retail first to examine the products and later buy online