Steering them to the stores

| Margery Weinstein

As much as marketers today are urged to be channel agnostic, one has to respect certain differences among promotional media. Take the differences between

Speaking to the Hispanic market

| MCM staff

Without question, the Hispanic market is in hypergrowth mode. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that 43 million Americans one in seven are Hispanic. And

Lights, Camera, Campaign!

| MCM staff

Developing a seasonal campaign a multichannel, multiple-impression integrated marketing effort designed to run across an entire season is akin to making

It’s in the cards

| MCM staff

When at the supermarket near the office buying my breakfast Diet Coke and Daily News this morning, I saw a rotating rack filled with a gaudy assortment

Minding the Store

| Jeff Morris

As a multichannel merchant, you have to deal with fraud on many levels, from orders placed with stolen credit cards to employee pilferage in the warehouse.

Multichannel at the Epicenter

| Mark Del Franco

Catalog veteran Tony Lee is back in the game, pushing a retail concept to catalogers.

Our Favorite Channels

| MCM staff

Sure, we cover all marketing channels here at Multichannel Merchant. But we’d be lying if we said we didn’t have our favorites when we’re out in the world

The latest matchback tools

| Mark Del Franco

By now most multichannel merchants know about matchbacks and the importance of understanding where online and retail buyers are coming from rather than


| MCM staff

Tears for a clown A Catalog Age staffer in mid-January ordered an ornament from The Met Store, the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Web catalog. The ornament