Mystery Service

| Barbara Arnn

Many multichannel retailers continue to miss opportunities to woo customers. The Chicago-based e-tailing group’s 2004 back-to-school Mystery Shopping

Ikea Agita

| Sherry Chiger

You know how excited most kids get when they race downstairs Christmas morning to see the heaps of garishly wrapped presents under the tree? That’s almost

9 tips to improve your site for the holidays

| Lauren Freedman

If you’re looking to make some improvements to your Website before the fall/holiday selling season, there’s still time but not much. How to decide, then,

Take It Away

| Barbara Arnn

Multichannel shoppers are an evolving breed, changing right along with the technology on which they must rely, and frequently presenting behavioral surprises

Multichannel Goes Mainstream

| Lauren Freedman

E-commerce today represents almost 4% of retail sales. Marketers are compelled not only to compete in this channel but to strive for best-in-class execution.

Matrix Reloaded

| MCM staff

Direct-to-customer catalog management software saw a number of changes during the past year. Computer Solutions and Best Software collaborated on extending