Your Ecommerce Website: Optimizing the Digital Core

| Randi Mohr

Your ecommerce website must be a living, breathing content channel to drive meaningful success. Why? Business goals, audience preferences, digital capabilities and best practices are all constantly evolving, and your site must reflect these changing expectations. Optimize these three areas of your website continually to improve results.

How Brands Can Connect with the Influenced Consumer

| Ericka Podesta McCoy

Brands have always sought to align themselves with media and messaging most likely to prove influential among core audiences. But today, even the way in which consumers are influenced—and to what extent—is proving to be a defining trait of certain groups. Learn how influenced consumers are a group worth paying attention to.

Hits of the Week 2-28-22

| David Hurwitz

Have you heard that our Ecommerce Operations Technology Summit is happening in Orlando this April?  As a subscriber, you get $250 off the conference price!  Register here with the code … Continue Reading →