What to Consider When Considering a WMS

| Sam Flanders

Computer software, such as the warehouse management system (WMS), can be a godsend to your operation, dramatically improving performance over paper-based or manual systems. A WMS normally manages everything within the four walls of your warehouse, including material transactions, inbound, outbound, stock put-aways, replenishment, and transfers.

Questions to Ask When Reviewing Packing and Manifesting

| Sam Flanders

The quiz show Jeopardy! isn’t the only place where the questions, not the answers, are mandated. Typically when performing a review in your operations, you must first begin by asking the right questions before you begin to improve efficiency. Here are some tips to follow when reviewing your packing and manifesting functions:

Perfecting the Perfect Order

| MCM staff

A perfect order is typically defined as being delivered on time, complete, damage free, and having the correct invoice. The perfect order is calculated by multiplying the results of each of the four metrics to each other.