Bloomington Scores Again As a Warehouse Locale

| MCM staff

Basketball coach Bobby Knight may disagree, but Bloomington, IN, is a centrally located town offering loads of amenities. It’s also a great place to put your warehouse to get the lowest possible lead time to your customers, according to supply chain services consultancy Chicago Consulting. For the third consecutive year, Chicago Consulting has named Bloomington the best place to locate a warehouse in its list of 10 best warehouse networks.

Walking the forecasting TIGHTROPE

| Barbara Arnn

Forecasting inventory for seasonal demand takes philosopher George Santayana’s dictum Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it and

The Ones to Watch

| MCM staff

Every industry has its rising stars, and the multichannel marketplace is no exception. Given the complexities of operating in more than one channel, the

It’s a jungle in the DC

| Sherry Chiger

Did you hear the one about the guy who attended an industry conference and a reality television show broke out? That’s what happened during 60 Ideas in

Behold the Batch Cart

| MCM staff

Batch picking is an efficient picking method that doesn’t require expensive technology.

Cross-Docking: Bypassing Storage

| Jerry Vink

Cross-docking reduces inventory carrying costs, transportation costs, and costs associated with order fulfillment and material handling.

The Software Corner

| Ernie Schell

Ecometry Corp., a leading supplier of software for multichannel commerce, has expanded its partnership with Acquity Group to offer Ecometry