Cost confusion

| Rama Ramaswami

Logistics is hardly the stuff of controversy, but a session on logistics costs at this year’s meeting of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals

Material handling benchmarks

| Rama Ramaswami

The more things change on the front end dazzling new merchandise, cool Websites, innovative marketing campaigns the more they stay the same on the back


| Rama Ramaswami

The right staff Coping with chronic absenteeism or apathy among your warehouse employees? It could be that they’re simply not the right people for the

Tips on Building a WMS Business Case

| MCM staff

Warehouse management systems may well be the cool technology to have in 2006, according to a recent Distribution Digest survey. A significant percentage of the respondents are considering a WMS implementation in the coming year. With that in mind, Distribution Digest shares the following advice on building a business case for a WMS:

What Goes Into a Per-Order Labor Cost Calculation?

| MCM staff

One of our readers recently sent in the following question regarding per-order labor costs and how to calculate them: “Do the labor costs relate only to pickers and packers of the orders? What about management?

Benefits perk up

| Rama Ramaswami

Workplace perks such as generous benefits programs all but vanished in the lean years of the recent past. But now that the economy is strengthening, more

Out of service

| Rama Ramaswami

When customer service pundit Ron Willingham decided to buy a TV set, he expected the process to be fairly straightforward. As head of Integrity Systems,


| Rama Ramaswami

Right direction The Supply Chain and Logistics Directory, newly released by the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, is a directory with


| Rama Ramaswami

Like good household help, a good RFID provider is hard to find. And even if you manage to turn up one that seems suitable, the technology’s newness makes

Office furniture mailer sold

| Mark Del Franco

Patience is a virtue that has paid off for Takkt, the Stuttgart, Germany-based multititle merchant whose U.S. properties include industrial supplier K+K