Piece by Piece

| Kenneth B. Ackerman

In nearly every distribution center in the United States, workers are paid by the hour. While their productivity is (or should be) measured in units,

RFID Stories of the Week: ARC: EPC RFID ROI is MIA, and AIM Global to Address RFID Skills

| Jeff Morris

1. Translation: Show Me The Money! Companies that are actively investing in EPC RFID (Electronic Product Code Radio Frequency Identification) are doing so because they have to, not because they think they’re actually going to see a return on investment (ROI) anytime soon. In ARC Advisory Group’s Emerging Practices study, only one of 24 companies believed it could have under a two-year payback period. Ninety-five percent of the respondents believed the payback period would be greater than two years.
2. Trade Associations Team to Address RFID Skills Shortage

What do you know about RFID technology? Not much? You’re not alone. Many companies eager to adopt the technology are beginning to be slowed in their efforts by a scarcity of qualified RFID integrators. Two leading trade associations are now teaming up in an attempt to address an industry-wide shortage of professionals knowledgeable about RFID technology. The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) and AIM Global (the Association for Automatic Identification and Mobility) announced they are working together to develop a vendor-neutral, multi-dimensional certification program for RFID technology.

3PLs Gain Nearly Half of Logistics Budgets, Foresee Continued Growth

| Jeff Morris

American manufacturers are spending more of their logistics budgets than ever before on the services of third-party logistics providers (3PLs). According to the 13th annual study released by Accenture and Northeastern University, American manufacturers allocated 40% of their 2003 logistics operating budgets to 3PLs, compared with between 19% and 30% in the prior four years. Even more startling, 80% of manufacturers are also utilizing 3PLs to help manage their supply chains overseas. With this kind of growth

In-Store Pickup Pitfalls and Payoffs

| Paul Miller

Multichannel marketers that allow catalog and online customers to pick up their orders in one of their stores find the service hugely popular among shoppers.

Strategy Comes into Play

| Mark Del Franco

The summer months came and went without much notable deal activity. Just 16 deals were orchestrated in the third quarter. That’s up from 13 in last year’s

Making the Rounds with a DC Supervisor

| Margery Weinstein

Richard Mini likes to hit the hot spots on a regular basis the hot spots, that is, of the distribution center of Branford, CT-based signage and safety

Warehousing Insider: Smart Ways to Manage Space, SKUs

| Rama Ramaswami

If lack of DC storage space overwhelms you, consider this: Are you measuring it the right way? The newsletter Distribution Digest gives us this example: A company that sells rugs was having storage difficulties. To measure the space that the rugs occupied, the company calculated cubic requirements by measuring the rugs

Avoiding WMS Myth-stakes

| Jeff Morris

If you’ve been searching for a warehouse management system (WMS), you may find it helpful to avoid getting caught up in the “big myths” about such systems.