the cybercritic

| MCM staff

As you might imagine, the Cybercritic is a highly sought-after speaker on the Internet marketing circuit. And with Web selling and online marketing conferences,

Picture Perfect

| Margareta Mildsommer

THE GRAPHIC ARTS INDUSTRY has come a long way since the 15th century, when Johannes Gutenberg’s printing press printed the first edition of the Bible.


| MCM staff

Even for a dyed-in-the-wool pragmatist, the phrase innovative storage methods might well conjure up a picture of slick, exciting modules gleaming with

Who’s Who Among the B-to-B Co-op Databases

| MCM staff

In our December 2003 issue, we listed service providers offering consumer cooperative databases (Who’s Who Among Consumer Co-op Databases). With the March

Marrying Ops and Marketing

| Margery Weinstein

Your operations workers aren’t just fulfilling customer orders; they’re fulfilling your company’s marketing plans and communicating directly with the

10 Ways to Improve Vendor Quality Control

| Curt Barry

Quality Circles, Total Quality Management, Dr. Deming’s 14-Point Theory, and Six Sigma are all various programs aimed at improving quality in an organization.

Think inside the box

| Karen Berman

It’s here, it’s here, chorus the children, when their much-anticipated catalog order arrives. As the youngsters rip open the parcel, their parents catch

Coming Soon 2005

| MCM staff

We’re less than halfway through 2004, but it’s never too soon to think about operational must-haves for next year. Released just in time to help you allocate

Potpourri Grabs Another Title

| Mark Del Franco

With needlecraft catalog The Stitchery, home decor book Expressions, and jewelry and gifts titles The Pyramid Collection and Nature’s Jewelry among its

United They Stand and Save

| MCM staff

For many catalogers, says Derrick Egbert, the whole can be greater and more cost-efficient than the sum of its parts. To that end, the industry veteran