Holiday Inventory Levels: Conservative

| MCM staff

Forecasting holiday inventory needs is like predicting the weather: Technology can help to some degree, but it’s a far-from-exact science. As of late

Movers and Shakers

| MCM staff

Edgewater, NJ-based multititle cataloger Hanover Direct has appointed Martin L. Edelman, of counsel to the law firm Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker,

Cui Bono?

| Barbara Arnn

A new study from the Warehousing Education and Research Council titled 2003 Warehousing Benefits Programs offers a detailed look at the benefits that

Bricks Aid Clicks

| MCM staff

IN THE DAYS when the Web grocery business produced spectacular flops like Webvan, the South African grocery Pick ‘n Pay began developing its business

Golf Digest Magazine Enters Catalog Business

| Paul Miller

Golf Digest magazine is taking a swing into the catalog realm. In June the Wilton, CT-based division of Advance Publications launched the 36-page Golf