Rave Reviews for VendorNet

| Bill Kuipers

VENDORNET IS A WEB-BASED communications network that manages and tracks the order and delivery cycle between the retailer and the supplier. The company


| MCM staff

NEW LISTS BIG YANK This list consists of 12,919 12-month buyers of the Big Yank catalog and Website, which sell casual attire, outdoor gear, and accessories.

Restructuring at Eziba

| Shayn Ferriolo

What started out as a rough year for North Adams, MA-based global gifts marketer Eziba seems to be improving. First there was a harrowing roof collapse

Made in Buffalo

| D. Douglas Graham

BUFFALO, NY, is known today for Buffalo wings, Lake Erie, and some of the nation’s most punishing winters. Few remember the time when the City on the

This Wizard Isn’t Named Harry

| Jeff Morris

ANYONE FAMILIAR WITH a certain (rather popular) series of books will recall the magical map that figures prominently in several of them. It shows not

Glass, Plus

| Rama Ramaswami

SIMON PEARCE may prefer to be known as one of the world’s best glass craftsmen, but he is also a trailblazer of another sort. The business that bears

Golden Age of Fulfillment

| Barbara Arnn

DIRECT-TO-CUSTOMER FULFILLMENT has come a long way in the last decade. Or has it? Some of the clearest clues to the history of the industry lie in the


| Peter A. Buxbaum

Is it true that as Wal-Mart goes, so go all retailers? As the largest retailer in the United States indeed, as the country’s largest corporation its influence