Anything That Needs a Roof

| Rama Ramaswami

WAREHOUSE FOR LEASE. Offers cooking, laundry, and babysitting services. No, that ad hasn’t run (yet), but the day when it might may not be too far off.

Planet Dog in the Dog House

| Mark Del Franco

You could say that four-year-old canine merchandise cataloger Planet Dog is in the doghouse. No, the Portland, ME-based company is not in trouble. Rather,

Petals Files Chapter 11

| Mark Del Franco

Cataloger/retailer Petals filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on May 21, but president/CEO Richard Belenski says that the company isn

Haunted Warehouse

| D. Douglas Graham

THE ST. LOUIS-BASED LEMP BREWERY once produced the most popular beer in the world. At its apogee the massive facility filled several city blocks, and


| MCM staff

Regardless of how organized you attempt to be, it can still feel as though your inventory moves from one black hole to another because of the difficulty


| Jeff Siegel

But there may be no need to pay such close attention THE POSSIBILITIES are intriguing. Wonder where the merchandise from the factory in China is as it

Keep on Truckin’

| MCM staff

YOUR MERCHANDISE IS RESTLESS. It understands that its length of stay in your warehouse (or ) affects its value. The more frequently your merchandise comes